Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I can't believe what is going on here now

I can't believe what is going on here now. Since I wrote the message below, they've bombed the largest city, Tripoli in the North, and with it one of the last roads from Lebanon to Syria. In that bombing, some 8 ppl trying to leave the country by car died and I dont know how many others were injured. It seems the only roads left are small side roads, but those aren't safe right now either. I had been planning on trying to leave tonight, but that's probably not the safest option anymore. Everyone here is a hostage in their own country!! Its crazy. They talk about terrorism in the media but they only get half the story. Watching the Israeli embassador to the UN yesterday talking about assisting and liberating Lebanon made through these actions disguisted me. All the while they are the ones that have turned everything in this country upside down in a matter of days and are terrorizing the whole country... keeping us in our homes, targetting and killing civilians and tearing down our infrastructure.

This morning we'd decided that I would try to leave this evening by car through Syria to Jordan, but it looks like I am going to hold off on that plan after the bombing this afternoon on the road to Syria by Tripoli. That was the road I was going to take. I don't know what to do about my parents. My father is adamant about staying. My grandmother is 85 and won't even leave her house to come to ours, much less leave the country. There's also the issue of the housekeepers who don't have visas to Syria and so will not be allowed to cross the border with us if we left. Anyway, so he wont leave until he figures those things out, and my mother won't leave him. And I don't want to leave them or my grandmother, but they are insistant I go if we can figure out a safe way to do that. A driver from Jordan has already left to pick me and a few others up from here but he's called from the road saying he doesnt think its safe anymore. We are probably going to wait until the American or British embassies start their evacuation plans.

In the meanwhile, I'm just keeping up with news, chilling and hanging out. Have been doing some very normal and some very abnormal things today. Went to the gym and to an appointment... also went to the bank to withdraw cash to keep on hand and spent the morning discussing exit strategies. Everyone here is kind of in limbo. Some ppl doing normal stuff like going to a wedding tonight, another friend of mine is keeping his bar open for business with a trivial pursuit competition. People are between worlds, trying to maintain as much of normal life as possible while preparing for the worst which other people are already dealing with.

I don't know what to think anymore... about what to do, what is safe, what will happen... dont know. I have never felt more ordinary in my life... (or more helpless or more trapped). Aside from being terrifying, this whole thing is a very humbling experience.

Will keep you updated


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